Ankle Rehabilitation Specialists

written by Natalie Rinaldi

At Melbourne Muscular Therapies, we are masters of ankle rehabilitation and barefoot training! Everything done in our clinic including sprint clubs and lift clubs, all gym work and exercises are done in barefoot. This is because it is the best and right way to train the body!

Just by putting your feet in a pair of shoes and standing up, you are already changing the way your foot muscles work, change the posture and natural shape of the foot, allowing a bit of a rise in your walk, manipulating your gait and decrease the proprioception and connect between your foot and the ground.

A reason why we specialise so much in ankle rehabilitation is because it is one of those things that cannot and should not be treated lightly. Any ankle injury will automatically decrease ankle range as well as mess with the musculature from your calves up thus changing the way you walk, run and do anything.

Ankle rehabilitation is something a lot of people overlook. They injury their ankle, ice it for as long as it is swollen or black (sometimes days, weeks at a time), rest it for the time it takes for the pain to go (can go on for weeks also) and then when no pain is felt, are back doing exactly what they were before they were injured. But what you may not know is;

Is that the right thing to do? NO!

Is your ankle the way it was before you injured it? NOT CURRENTLY, BUT WE CAN FIX THAT 😉

Is there a build-up of scar tissue? YES.

Is there decrease range through the ankle because of that scar tissue? YES.

Do the calve muscles become tighter and weaker due to the decrease movement and possibly compensating on the opposite side? YES.

So what should you do when you injury your ankle and are in recovery? COME SEE US AT MELBOURNE MUSCULAR THERAPIES!

Come see us at Melbourne Muscular Therapies! Here we treat with a technique which involves a joint mobilisation and positional release all in 1. After releasing muscles and doing overall area specific treatment, we like to get into the nitty gritty of the ankle and really break down all that build-up of scar tissue and blockages in, around and behind the ankle joint to allow for 100% movement in that area, especially after weeks or days and of no weeks of no movement. These ways we treat the ankle involve you going through basic ankle range as we use our deep, solidifying technique in a different yet affective way to get in between all muscles, ligaments, tendons, and in between all bones that make up the ankle joint. By doing this, our client ankle movement is increased immensely, simply by cleaning out that ankle and then from there we can build the ankle with a range of flexibility, stability and strength exercises.


Come in and see us at Melbourne Muscular Therapy, we will fix get that ankle active again!

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