by aaronmmt | Feb 21, 2018 | Ankle Pain | Foot Pain, Blog, Calf Injury | Calf Pain, Functional Movement - Power Training - Gym Posts
TREATING KIDS WITH SEVER’S DISEASE written by Natalie Rinaldi In my blog today, I am going to talk about a common condition I deal with on a weekly basis, Sever’s Disease. Being a sports clinic, practitioners at Melbourne Muscular Therapies...
by aaronmmt | Feb 17, 2018 | Ankle Pain | Foot Pain, Blog, Calf Injury | Calf Pain
Ankle Rehabilitation Specialists written by Natalie Rinaldi At Melbourne Muscular Therapies, we are masters of ankle rehabilitation and barefoot training! Everything done in our clinic including sprint clubs and lift clubs, all gym work and exercises are done in...