by aaronmmt | Feb 21, 2018 | Ankle Pain | Foot Pain, Blog, Calf Injury | Calf Pain, Functional Movement - Power Training - Gym Posts
TREATING KIDS WITH SEVER’S DISEASE written by Natalie Rinaldi In my blog today, I am going to talk about a common condition I deal with on a weekly basis, Sever’s Disease. Being a sports clinic, practitioners at Melbourne Muscular Therapies...
by aaronmmt | Jun 27, 2017 | Back Pain, Blog, Functional Movement - Power Training - Gym Posts
3 SIMPLE CORE EXERCISES TO ELIMINATE LOWER BACK PAIN written by Aaron Kiegaldie TVA Activation (Core Function) – Planking Lung/Diaphragm Activation – Breathing Techniques Finding Neutral Spine The Transverse Abdominus (TVA) is a layer of abdominal muscle,...