Deep Tissue Massage For Lower Back Pain

  • Are you tired of receiving sub-standard deep tissue massage treatment for your Lower Back Pain?
  • Is your Lower Back Pain affecting your life?
  • Do you want to receive the best Deep Tissue Massage in Melbourne?



Lower Back Pain is a condition that affects a majority of the population at some stage during a lifespan. At Melbourne Muscular Therapies, we believe Lower Back Pain is commonly misdiagnosed and most definitely mistreated. How many times have you been to see your local Physiotherapist Or Deep Tissue Massage Therapist, only to leave feeling less than impressed, and often in the same pain that you were feeling at the beginning of your appointment? Most practitioners in the health industry have no idea what to do when facing a client suffering from any form of Lower Back Pain. What we see when dealing with Lower Back Pain is a fantastic opportunity to heal through massage, particularly deep tissue massage!

Lower Back Pain no matter what level of pain, is often so deeply engrained within the body, that it takes an incredible depth of massage to gain some long standing relief. At Melbourne Muscular Therapies, the pace of our massage and connection is so slow. The slow speed of massage is so we are able to reach a depth where the pain is located. Massage should not be all about “how deep your practitioner can go”,  rather “how your practitioner goes deep”. You can’t just forcefully smash into the body expecting it to react in a positive manner. Our massage techniques are applied at the slowest and most deliberate form of connection possible in order for our clients to relax and allow us access to the area that their pain is located. We hold and pin areas with this depth of pressure for up to 30 minutes at a time as to allow the body to relax into the pressure and ultimately heal itself. We see massage as a cleaning process. Imagine cleaning your stovetop or bathroom taps, and the grout/build up of calcification is your lower back pain. You can’t just go in with a cloth and expect the area to be clean. You need to be slow, and use an array of tools in order to get to those hidden areas where there is a build up of grout (pain). This is what you will experience when visiting Melbourne Muscular Therapies with Lower Back Pain. You will find a practitioner that will confidently connect to your pain and eliminate it using the most intelligent and deepest forms of massage you’re likely to find!

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