by Natalie Rinaldi

Suffer from stress and anxiety? Feeling over exhausted after a long days work? Getting fatigued quick? Feeling like your body is slowing down? COME AND SEE US!stress relief

At Melbourne Muscular Therapy we don’t just work on pain and dysfunction, we also target the body physically and mentally, by connecting with our hands on treatment to your body, we relieve the body from feeling these ways. Although targeting pain and dysfunction is our more common clientele, a lot don’t realise that we can relieve the feeling of exhaustion and decrease stress and anxiety also in our sessions. By connecting with the muscles of the body, we elongate shortened muscles, release tension through one or all three of the anterior, posterior and lateral chains with our slow and deep tissue technique. By allowing us to deal with your feelings of stress and anxiety we target the muscles we feel are causing this feeling on your body and then continue to work down the chain to all other affected muscles.

When someone is suffering from stress, anxiety or any of the above symptoms, it is because the body is crying out for help. We here at Melbourne Muscular Therapy start at the areas you tell us you are feeling it most and then work down the chain to find the source of the pain. When the body suffers from any of these things, the musculature start to slowly tighten and guard, when this happens with one muscle, more and more follow, the ones connected will also follow and soon, what started as ‘a heavy weight on your shoulders’ has now turned into migraines, sleepless nights and lack of motivation, all because one area in your shoulder was under stress. DON’T WAIT! COME AND SEE US SO WE CAN FIX YOU UP!

However, it’s not just our treatments that can help you, there are other ways you can help improve these feelings.

  1. INFRARED SAUNA Here at Melbourne Muscular Therapy we have an infrared sauna which our clients like to book in to use. The sauna has multiple benefits to help with stress and anxiety relief such as improving circulation of the body and eliminating muscle and body aches meaning that where the body is most under stress, the blood flow in those areas won’t be as great therefore the sauna will encourage that, help relax the body by balancing stress hormones and support immune system by increasing white blood cells, encouraging a fight against bacteria and illness.
  2. MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS – We have an amazing range of medicinal mushrooms available in clinic for you to purchase! These ‘mushies’ have some crazy good benefits that can assist in relieving feelings of stress and anxiety eg. Assist the body to adapt to internal and external stresses, strengthening of the heart, physical release of strength, healing the effects of stress, protection from colds and flus, increased nerve health, reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and multiple more! If you are interested in these also, just ask us in the clinic and we will be happy to help you.

If you are suffering from anything I have mentioned come in and see us and we will make sure you leave feeling 100% better and happier!

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