Why Do I Have Poor Posture And Rounded Shoulders?

  • How To Fix Poor Posture?
  • Can Massage Help My Poor Posture?
  • What Exercises Help With Poor Posture?

Hands up if you’re sick of your slouchy, rounded posture?! Do you always feel hunched forward? Do you suffer from constant pain between your shoulder blades? Does standing up straight feel impossible? Read on to find our how Melbourne Muscular Therapies can fix your poor posture for good!

Contrary to popular belief, sitting down is not actually ‘bad for you’. You’ve probably heard a million people say that staying in these positions for too long is detrimental. I’m not completely disagreeing with this, however there is more to it than just time spent in these positions. In my opinion, sitting for extended periods of time only becomes detrimental when you begin to adapt to stressors whilst in a seated position. In modern day society, stress is becoming more prevalent by the day, therefore being stressed at work whilst in a seated position is going to cause you to adapt to this environment, therefore cementing in poor posture and the painful affects of this problem. Ultimately, what I am trying to say is sitting for prolonged periods will not be to your detriment if you take care of yourself at the same time! Daily exercise, consistent good nutrition, and regular massage are all vital in combating sitting from prolonged periods.

Poor posture from prolonged sitting usually presents with someone that is losing the battle against gravity. Your body begins to compress, most commonly through your chest and abdomen. Your abdominal and pectoral muscles become fixated in a shortened position, which causes your shoulders to become hunched, and your head to begin to shift forward. This classic look is associated with someone that is not dealing with stress, not dealing with gravity, and ultimately not dealing with pain! Check out the video below on how you can help yourself combat these issues from home using household products!

If you’re tired of fighting the losing battle against poor posture! Please book online to see one of our amazing practitioners. We will be able to determine what areas of your body needs to be released, and then we will formulate an exercise program that will assist to decompress your body and fight against gravity!

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