Back Pain Care – Why Melbourne Muscular Therapies is the Best

The problem with going to see an everyday Physiotherapist or Chiropractor……


Going to see an every day physiotherapist for back pain often results in a ‘let down’ of an experience. Too commonly, we see patients coming into our clinic complaining about the lack of care offered during their _gwg8523experience seeing a physiotherapist and chiropractor.

Going to see ‘some’ standard physiotherapists for back pain often goes down something like this…….

20 minute consultation | 10 minutes of chatting | 5 minutes of lacklustre massage | 5 minutes of ineffective exercises…….repeat next week, repeat, repeat, repeat.

A vicious cycle of poor care and treatment which leaves people feeling isolated and vulnerable. The only thing worse than this is when people go see their GP about back pain! This puts them on the pathway of either ‘the above’ or to see a surgeon…..Both terrible options. 

MELBOURNE MUSCULAR-HOMEPAGEHere at Melbourne Muscular Therapies we offer a service long enough, and with genuine care to actually create some change within the body. Our friction based, myofascial massage is deep, slow and deliberate in order to eliminate pain and increase function of the body. We have also developed a series of effective functional exercises to rehabilitate all forms of pain and dysfunction. Sessions run for as long as the client wishes, and their thoughts, values and ideas and adhered to in order to create a safe environment for healing to occur. Practitioner and client form of partnership/team in order to work together to achieve their desired result. 


If you are tired of the standard health care Physiotherapist, Chiropractor and Osteopath – Book in at Melbourne Muscular Therapies – “The Original and The Best” – 9998 – 1988

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