Pain-Free Living In The Burbs!

Melbourne Muscular Therapies Kilsyth – NOW OPEN!

  • Pain Eliminating Massage Therapy

  • Functional Barefoot Exercise Rehabilitation

  • Permanent Solutions to Acute and Chronic Pain

        As you might’ve already seen, Melbourne Muscular Therapies is officially open for business out east in Kilsyth! We are excited to bring our highly regarded massage techniques and cutting-edge barefoot exercise rehabilitation to the eastern suburbs. We offer permanent solutions to acute and chronic pain as we address the cause of your pain, not just the symptoms.

        Renowned for being able to eliminate the most chronic forms of pain, our massage techniques are now available for residents of Kilsyth and surrounds. We see physical pain as an issue of ‘stagnation’ and ‘flow’. In nature, where there is flow there are clean pathways. Where there is stagnation, there is build up of debris, rubbish and blockage…..the body is no different. Where this is a good flow of human movement, there is generally good health – when there is lack of movement (stagnation), there is pain (THINK SITTING DOWN ALL DAY – LOWER BACK PAIN). Our fundamental aim when treating the human body is to eliminate painful adhesive blockages caused by stagnation (lack of movement/flow) or poor biomechanics.

mmt-the-unblock-aaron        The key component to our massage therapy, which allows us to eliminate pain is our Solidified Connective Tissue Release (SCT Release) technique. This internally developed technique is a deep, slow, and friction based type of massage, which allows us to access even the deepest forms of pain and dysfunction. Over the years, we have come to the realisation that chronic pain can be so engrained within the body, that treatment must be get to the same depth in order for it to be released. From the amazing results that we have achieved, we are confident that SCT Release can help you with any pain that you may have!

We guarantee to eliminate the following types of pain!

  • Lower Back Pain
  • Neck Pain and Shoulder Pain
  • Rotator Cuff Injury
  • Hip/Shoulder Bursitis
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Hip/Glute Pain
  • Groin Pain/Osteitis Pubis
  • Sports Injuries
  • Sciatica/Nerve Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Foot Pain and Ankle Pain

Take a look at the following videos of our Melbourne Muscular Therapies crew, demonstrating our massage techniques!







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