by admin | Dec 13, 2018 | Back Pain, Hamstring Injury, Hamstring Pain
Hamstrings feeling super tight? Do you always feel the need to stretch your lower back? We can help eliminate these issues! You’ve probably heard football teams mention ‘back-related hamstring injuries’ when referring to a particular player’s...
by aaronmmt | Jun 24, 2018 | Back Pain, Hamstring Injury, Hamstring Pain
Can Tight Hamstrings Cause Back Pain? Hamstrings feeling super tight? Do you always feel the need to stretch your lower back? We can help eliminate these issues! You’ve probably heard football teams mention ‘back-related hamstring injuries’ when...
by aaronmmt | Jul 26, 2017 | Blog, Calf Injury | Calf Pain, Hamstring Injury, Hip Pain | Glute Pain, Knee Pain/Injury
CANCER VS MELBOURNE MUSCULAR THERAPIES A blog about how cancer can affect the musculoskeletal system in a way that can cause debilitating physical dysfunction. In this case, practitioner Natalie Rinaldi discusses her experience with a client suffering from loss of...
by aaronmmt | Apr 22, 2017 | Blog, Hamstring Injury, Hamstring Pain, Sports Injuries | Muscle Strains
Happy Hamstrings – TIPS AND ADVICE Easy tips on how to release your hamstrings at home to reduce pain and increase human function. written by Aaron Kiegaldie Keeping your hamstrings strong and free from painful, adhesive knots is important to...
by aaronmmt | Mar 4, 2017 | Blog, Hamstring Injury, Hamstring Pain, Sports Injuries | Muscle Strains
how we fix – Hamstring Tension | Injuries Melbourne Muscular Therapies – Richmond written by Aaron Kiegaldie – General Manager | Senior Practitioner Deep Myofascial Release to the entire Hamstring Complex and surrounding Pelvic Musculature...